Salgado de Aveiro

The Salgado de Aveiro (40.65615965408628, -8.664093017578125) located in Ria de Aveiro covers the parishes of Glória, Aradas, Vera-Cruz and Esgueira from the Aveiro Municipality and the parish of S. Salvador from the Ílhavo Municipality.


Occupying about 2600 ha, including productive and non productive areas, the Salgado de Aveiro is organized in 5 groups:


In 2007 there were about 252 salt pans in these 5 groups (see next table)

Table 1 – Number of Salt pans in each Group.

Group Nº Salt Pans (2007)
Grupo do Sul 61
Grupo do Mar 52
Grupo de São Roque ou Esgueira 63
Grupo do Norte 68
Grupo do Monte Farinha 8

Most common types of uses

Having as a reference the year of 2007, we could find two types of uses, salt production and aquaculture, with very distinct occupation areas as showed in the next table:

Table 2 – Occupation areas by use

Type of use Area 2007 (m2)
Active salt production 429830
Partial active salt production 111413
Inactive salt production 861057
Extensive aquaculture 759014
Semi-intensive aquaculture 1927499

Socioeconomic characteristics

Referring to the year of 2009 the salt production of the 9 salt pans (Podre, Santiago da Fonte, Pajota, Troncalhada, Senitra, Grã-Caravela, Passã, 18 do Caramonetes e Puxadoiros) still dedicated to the production of salt according to traditional methods, reached 908 tons.
This value, according with one of the 19 salt producers (saltern workers) still in operation, represents an increase of about 44% compared to the volume produced in 2008.

Table 3 - Approximate area of salt pans still in operation in 2009.

Salt pan Area 2009 (ha)
Puchadoiros 8,99
Troncalhada 4,20
Senitra 4,48
Passã 8,19
Pajota 6,57
Santiago da Fonte 5,90
Gran Caravela 4,98
Dezoito dos Caramonetes 3,99
Podre 2,15

Two of the nine salt pans who were in production by traditional methods in 2009, are owned by the project partners Ecosal Atlantis: