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Avaliação do potencial turístico das salinas Atlanticas - Uma ferramenta baseada em indicadores (texto em Inglês)

By ecosaladmin - Posted on 11 Julho 2012

An indicator is a piece of information that, together with others and following the instructions of a method, helps measure the state and evolution of activities and processes according to objetive criteria. It can be expressed in quantitative or qualitative terms and is the result of the gathering and treatment of certain data according to specific and well known instructions.

In order to understand the (eco)touristic potential of a salt making site, it is important to assess their natural and cultural values as well as the capacity of the hinterland to support the implementation and maintenance of a sustainable tourism development project for that site.

In this report we present an indicator-based assessment tool that takes into account both the natural and the cultural values of salinas in general, as well as the capacity of the hinterland to support its development from an ecotouristic point of view. The indicators chosen should be universally available and easy to interpret.

This tool should also be useful for salinas outside the geographic scope of the ECOSAL ATLANTIS project and, with minor changes, for other types of cultural landscapes.


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