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One of the objectives of the ECOSAL ATLANTIS project is the involvement of different organizations and institutions related to the central output of the project, namely the creation of a Route of the Atlantic salt marshes. We have been greatly encouraged by the number of organisations which, although not formally or financially participating in the project, have shown an interest in following its developments.


Administração da Região Hidrográfica do Centro, IP. (ARH do Centro, IP.) - (Portugal)

The ARH do Centro is a regional public institute under the Ministry of Environment, with skills in coastal, inland and underground water resource management


Câmara Municipal de Alcochete - (Portugal)

The Municipality of Alcochete is amongst one of the most important areas for wintering and passage of migratory water birds in Europe, namely the Tagus Estuary. The city authority owns some important saltpans and is interested in sustainable and eco-tourism projects.


Centro de Recursos Ambientales – Salinas de Chiclana (Alema Turismo y Medio Ambiente)

Included in the Natural Park of the Bay of Cadiz, the Centro de Recursos Ambientais Salinas de Chiclana is located in the Santa Maria de Jesus saltpan in Chiclana de la Frontera and is managed by "Alema Turismo e Meio Ambiente SL" an environmental education company.
It occupies an area of approximately 30 hectares, which contains numerous natural and cultural resources, with enormous interpretive and educational potential, offering a unique opportunity to learn how a traditional saltpan works as well as offering the opportunity to see some of the old methods associated with this activity.
The Center organizes many activities for everyone: bird watching, camping, environmental volunteering, environmental education, museum visits, etc.

Espacio Natural de Doñana (Junta de Andalucía – Consejería de Medio Ambiente)

The Doñana Natural Area (Natural Park and National Park) is one of the most important protected areas of Andalusia and Europe's largest nature reserve. It is well-known for having aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (wetlands, dunes, stabilized dunes or "stumps", beaches and forests) that confer specific characteristics for a unique biodiversity, with especially emblematic species like the Iberian lynx and imperial eagle now in danger of extinction.
Within its limits, especially on both sides of the mouth of the Guadalquivir River, there are a set of saltpans, especially the Salinas de Bonanza, an active saltpan, and the inactive saltpans of San Diego, San Isidro and San Rafael.

Fundação das Salinas do Samouco

In 1994, the Portuguese state chose the corridor Montijo-Sacavém to build the second crossing over the River Tagus in Lisbon. The footprint of the bridge crossed the Samouco saltpans, and as an environmental mitigation associated with construction and operation of Vasco da Gama Bridge, 360 ha were expropriated from the Samouco saltpans with the aim of creating a protected area for nature conservation.
The Fundação para a Protecção de Gestão Ambiental das Salinas do Samouco was created in 2000 with the aim of promoting the conservation and maintenance of the Samouco saltpans and to study, implement and manage the application of the sustainable socio-economic development model of the saltpans' fabric.

Salina Biomaris (Flor de Sal, Salinas de Isla Cristina)

Located in the Natural Park of Isla Cristina in the southwestern province of Huelva, these traditional saltpans cover an area of 15 hectares.
Founded in 1954, originally the salt production was intended for chemical and cosmetics industries in Germany. Currently the production supplies the food market, by selling fleur de sel, salt flakes, liquid salt and a gourmet range of fleur de sel with barbecue sauce, fleur de sel with onion, fleur de sel with curry, etc.
The company "Flor de Sal Salinas de Isla Cristina" collaborates with universities, associations and other entities in various research projects, and develops training initiatives, environmental education activities and guided tours to their facilities.

Hampshire County Council, Lymington-Keyhaven Nature Reserve

The reserve covers nearly 200 hectares between the mouth of the Lymington river and the village of Keyhaven. The adjacent mudflats and salt marshes outside the seawall are leased by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust. The reserve ensures the protection of an extensive area of coastal habitat. It lies within the New Forest National Park, recognising its significance for both wildlife and people. The production of sea salt was important in this area from the Middle Ages until 1865, when cheaper, mined salt from Cheshire forced the closure of the last saltern.


ICNB – Departamento de Gestão das áreas classificadas / zonas húmidas

The Institute for Nature Conservation and Biodiversity is an agency under the Ministry of Environment responsible for the management of all protected areas in Portugal. The ICNB owns some areas of saltpans, some of which already have structures to support visits by the public.


Parc Naturel Régional de Brière (Francia)


Salinas Romanas De Iptuci (Salinas de Interior Reales de Hortales)

These salt marshes are located in the municipality of Prado del Rey (Cádiz), inside the Bolotas Natural Park, at the foothill of Cabeza Hortaleza, early Ibero-Roman city of Iptuci.
They owe their existence to some nearby springs emanating, over the year, as salt water at an average temperature of 25 ° and with a salt content of 28 g / l, resulting in a unique system of great originality with notable cultural, ethnological and environmental values.
These saltpans where exploited by the Phoenicians and had their peak in Roman times. They have been recently renovated and are now open to the public and are prepared for tourists who want to discover a particular form of exploitation of our natural resources.

Salina de San Vincente

Located near the Natural Park of Cadiz Bay, the San Vicente saltpan is the only one that remains active in the city of San Fernando (Cádiz). Cadiz was for centuries the center of salt production in southern Spain.
While respecting the traditional methods of salt production, there is also space for innovation, by designing their products for the hotel industry and gourmet stores and by selling “fleur de sel” mixed with spices and other unique products from the region, for flavoring various meat, fish and salad dishes.
In addition to salt production, the saltpan of San Vicente also offers a restaurant and a space for celebrations.

Turismo Centro Portugal

Turismo Centro Portugal is a regional organization under the Ministry of Economy with responsibilities in the promotion of Tourism.




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